Authors, "Title" Journal, Volume: Page (Year), (Times Cited in Google Scholar as of May
- Umezawa Y, Toyoshima K, Saitoh Y, Takeda S, Tamura K, Tamaya C, Yamaguchi A, Yoshimizu C, Tayasu I, and Kawamoto K (accepted)"Evaluation of origin-depended nitrogen input through atmospheric deposition and its effect on primary production in coastal areas of western Kyusyu, Japan", Environment Pollution (0)
- Mori F, Umezawa Y, Kondo R, GN, Nishihara, Wada M (accepted) "Potential oxygen consumption and community composition of sediment bacteria in a seasonally hypoxic enclosed bay", PeerJ (0)
- Itahashi, S., Hayashi, K., Takeda, S., Umezawa Y, Matsuda, K., Sakurai, T., and Uno, I.(accepted) Nitrogen burden from atmospheric deposition process in East Asian oceans in 2010 based on the high-resolution regional numerical modeling. Environmental Pollutions. (0)
- Watanabe, K., Yoshida, G., Hori, M., Umezawa Y, Moki, H. and Kuwae, T.(2020) Macroalgal metabolism and lateral carbon flows can create significant carbon sinks. Biogeosciences.17:2425-2440 (0)
- Muta N, Umezawa Y*, Yamaguchi A, Suzaki H, Wada M, Nakata H, Kawamoto K, and Matsuoka K (2019) "Estimation of spatiotemporal variations in nutrient fluxes from sediments in the seasonally hypoxic Omura Bay, Japan", Limnology. 21(3): 341-356. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10201 -019-00591-1(0)
- Kuwae T, Yoshida G, Hori M, Watanabe K, Tanaya T, Okada T, Umezawa Y, and Sasaki J. (2019) Nationwide estimate of the annual uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide by shallow coastal ecosystems in Japan, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineering.75:10-20.(0)-----------2021 Paper Award from Japan Society of civil enginners
- Hayami Y, Wada M, Umezawa Y, Fujii N, Nakamura A, Mori F (2019)
"Hypoxic water mass in the highly turbid well-mixed macrotidal Rokkaku River Estuary, Ariake Sea, Japan". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 210-222 (3)
- Matsubayashi J, Umezawa Y, Matsuyama M, Kawabe R, Mei W, Wan X, Shimomae A, Tayasu I. (2019) "Feeding experiments to test the applicability of segmental isotope analysis of teleost fish vertebrae" Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 17:87-96.doi: 10.1002/lom3.10298 (2)
- Mei W, Umezawa Y*, Wan X, Sassa C, Takahashi M(2019)
"Factors controlling spatiotemporal variations in stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of Trachurus japonicus larvae and juveniles in the East China Sea", Fisheries Science.85: 71-80 (0)
- Kurihara H, Ikeda N, Umezawa Y (2018) "Diurnal and seasonal variation of particle and dissolved organic matter release by the coral Acropora tenuis", Peer. JDOI 10.7717/peerj.5728 (1)
- Mori F, Umezawa Y, Kondo R, Wada M (2018) "Dynamics of sulfate-reducing bacteria community structure in surface sediment of a seasonally hypoxic enclosed bay", Microbes and Environments.33(4): 378-384(0)
- Mori F, Umezawa Y, Kondo R, Wada M (2018) "Effects of bottom-water hypoxia on sediment bacterial community composition in a seasonally hypoxic enclosed bay (Omura Bay, West Kyushu, Japan)",FEMS Microbiology Ecology,94, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiy053, (2).
- Mei W, Umezawa Y*, Wan X, Yuan J, Sassa C (2018)
"Feeding habits estimated from weight-related isotope variations of mesopelagic fish larvae in the Kuroshio waters of the northeastern East China Sea" ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy016(5).
- Umezawa Y, Tamaki A, Suzuki T, Takeuchi S, Yoshimizu C, Tayasu I (2018) "Phytoplankton as a principal diet for callianassid shrimp larvae in coastal waters, estimated from laboratory rearing and stable isotope analysis", Marine Ecology Progress Series, 592, 141-158(8).
- Wada M, Takano Y, Nagae S, Ohtake Y, Umezawa Y, Nakamura S, Yoshida M, Matsuyama Y, Iwataki M, Takeshita S, Oda T (2018) "Temporal dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) produced in a microcosm with red tide forming algae, Chattonella marina and its associated bacteria", Journal of Oceanography (0).
- Cheung S, Suzuki K, Saito H, Umezawa Y, Xia X, Liu H (2017) "Highly Heterogeneous Diazotroph Communities in the Kuroshio Current and the Tokara Strait, Japan", PLoS ONE, 12(10), e0186875(16)
- Umezawa Y., Fukuda H. and Kobari T. "Trend of Regional Mobility (University Selection) and Education for the Students Studying Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at University and Graduate School: Suggestion for Cooperation between Universities", Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography,55(1), 3-10 (in Japanese)(2017)(0)
- Mwaura JM, Umezawa Y, Nakamura T and Kamau J "Evidence of chronic anthropogenic nutrient within coastal lagoon reefs adjacent to urban and tourism centers, Kenya: A stable isotope approach". Marine Pollution Bulletin, 119(2), 74-86 (2017) (8)
- Mwaura JM, Umezawa Y, Furaha J, Kimeli A, Kamau J, and Aura CM "Spatial variability of scleractinian coral bleaching susceptibility in 2010 El Niño–Southern Oscillation between northern and southern reefs, Kenya". Coastal Marine Science, 40, 17-27 (2017) (0)
- Morimoto N, Umezawa Y, McGlone MLSD, Watanabe A, Siringan FP, Tanaka Y, Rgino GL, and Miyajima T "Spatial dietary shift in bivalves from embayment with river discharge and mariculture activities to outer seagrass beds in northwestern Philippines". Marine Biology, 164, 1-16 (2017)(8)
- Ferrera, C.M., Watanabe A, Miyajima T, McGlone, MLSD, Morimoto N, Umezawa Y, Herrera E, Tsuchiya T, Yoshikai M, Nadaoka K. "Phosphorus as a driver of nitrogen limitation and sustained eutrophic conditions in Bolinao and Anda, Philippines, a mariculture-impacted tropical coastal area", Marine Pollution Bulletin, 105, 237-248 (2016) (18)
- Ichikawa Y, Umezawa Y, Yamaki K, Shimatsuka M, Wada M "The transfer of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria-derived organic matter to the organisms at a higher trophic level at a semi-closed bay" Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Nagasaki University, 97, 11-17, (in Japanese)(2016)(0)
- Ferrera, C.M., Miyajima T, Watanabe A, Umezawa Y, Morimoto N, McGlone, MLSD, Nadaoka K. "Variation in oxygen isotope ratio of dissolved orthophosphate induced by uptake process in natural coral holobionts", Coral Reefs, 35, 655-668, (2016) (0)
- Umezawa Y, Suzumura M., Tsukazaki A., Ozaki T., Muta N., and Yamaguchi A. "Biogeochemical phosphorus cycle in coastal environments." Chikyu Kankyo, 20, 63-76 (in Japanese) (2015)(0)
- Suzumura M., Tsukazaki A., Hashihama F., Sato M., and Umezawa Y. "Analytical perspectives of biogeochemical phosphorus cycle in oligotrophic marine environments." Chikyu Kankyo, 20, 77-88 (in Japanese) (2015)(0)
- Mori F., Wada M., Kondo R., Umezawa Y., Matsuoka K., Suzaki H., and Nakata H. "Dynamics of sediment microbial community respiration
during the period of hypoxia in Omura bay", Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography,53(1), 87-95, (in Japanese)(2015)(0)-----------2014-2015 Hayami Award from Japan Oceanography Society
- Yamaguchi A, Umezawa Y, Wada M, Sayama M "Potential contribution of microalgae to phosphorus cycling in tidal flat sediments during winter."Plankton & Benthos Research, 10(1):1-10, (2015)(4)
- Fujita K, Nagamine S, Ide Y, Umezawa Y, Hosono T, Kayanne H, and Yamano H "Distribution of large benthic foraminifers around a populated reef island: Fongafale Island, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu" , Marine Micropaleontology, 114, 1-9 (2014)(17)
- Toyoshima, K., Umezawa Y, Nakata, H. "Selection of appropriate seaweed to absorb terrestrial nitrogen for the remediation of the coastal environmnet of the Omura Bay", Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries Nagasaki University, 95, 41-51, (in Japanese) (2014)(1)
- Umezawa Y., Yamaguchi, A., Ishizaka, J., Hasegawa, T., Yoshimizu, C., Tayasu, I., Yoshimura, H., Morii, Y., Aoshima, T., and Yamawaki, N.: "Seasonal shifts in the contributions of the Changjiang River and the Kuroshio Current to nitrate dynamics in the continental shelf of the northern East China Sea based on a nitrate dual isotopic composition approach", Biogeosciences, 11, 1297-1317, doi:10.5194/bg-11-1297-2014, (2014)(29)
- Shiokawa M, Yamaguchi A and Umezawa Y "Estimation of groundwater-derived nutrient inputs into the west coast of Ariake Bay" Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography, 50(2): 85-95, (in Japanese) (2013)-----------2012-2013 Hayami Award from Japan Oceanography Society
- Wada M, Suzuki S, Nara T, Umezawa Y, Shimanaga M, Matsuoka K, Nakata H "Microbial Community Respiration and Structure of Dead Zone Sediments of Omura Bay, Japan." Journal of Oceanography, DOI 10.1007/s10872-012-0136-6, (2012)(12)
- Nakada S, Umezawa Y, Taniguchi M and Yamano H "Groundwater Dynamics of Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll" Groundwater, DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00874. (2011) (18)
- Hata H and Umezawa Y "Nutritional ecology of a territorial
farmer fish, Stegastes nigricans" Ecological Research, 26: 809-818, (2011) (19)
- Hosono T, Su C, Delinom R, Umezawa Y, Toyota T, Kaneko S, Taniguchi M "Decline in heavy metal pollution in marine sediments in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia due to the effects of environmental regulations" Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 92: 297-306, (2011) (95)
- Hosono T, Wang CH, Umezawa Y, Nakano T, Yoshimizu
C, Tayasu I, Nagata T, Onodera S, and Taniguchi M "Multiple isotope (H,O,
N, S, and Sr) approach elucidates the complex pollution causes in the
shallow groundwaters of Taipei urban area" Journal of Hydrology, 397:23-36 (2011), (82)
- Nakata S, Yamano H, Umezawa Y., Fujita M, Watanabe M, Taniguchi M "Evaluation of aquifer salinization in the atoll islnads by using electrical resistivity" Journal of the remote sensing society of Japan, 30: 317-330 (2010) (0)
- Hosono T, Siringan FP, Yamanaka T, Umezawa Y, Onodera
S, Nakano T and Taniguchi M "Application of multi-isotope ratios to study
the source and quality of urban groundwater in Metro Manila, Philippines"
Applied Geochemistry,25: 900-909 (2010), (39)
- Osawa Y, Fujita K*, Umezawa Y, Kayanne H, Ide Y, Nagaoka T, Miyajima
T and Yamano H "Human impacts on large benthic foraminifers near a densely
populated area of Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands." Marine Pollution Bulletin,60: 1279-1287 (2010) (34)
- Tanaka Y., T. Miyajima, Umezawa Y, T. Hayashibara,
H. Ogawa and I. Koike "Net release of dissolved organic matter by the
scleractinian coral Acropora pulchra" Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 377: 101-106 (2009) (33)
- Umezawa Y, T. Komatsu, M. Yamamuro and I. Koike
"Physical and topographic factors affecting suspended particulate matter
composition in a shallow tropical estuary."Marine Environmental Research
68:59-70 (2009) (9)
- Burnett WC, Chanyotha S, Wattayakorn G, Taniguchi M, Umezawa Y, Ishitobi T. "Groundwater as a pathway of nutrient contamination
in Bangkok, Thailand." Science of the Total Environment 407: 3198-3207
(2009) (17)
- Umezawa Y, Hosono T, Onodera S, Siringan F, Buapeng
S, Delinom R, Yoshimizu C, Tayasu I, and Nagata T. and M. Taniguchi. "The
source and mechanisms controlling nitrate and ammonium contaminations
in groundwater at developing Asian-Mega cities, Metro Manila, Bangkok
and Jakarta". Science of the Total Environment 407:3219-3231 (2009) (151)
- Onodera S, Saito M, Sawano M, Hosono T, Taniguchi T, Shimada J, Umezawa Y, Lubis RF, Buapeng S, Delinom R "Effect of intensive urbanization
on chemical environment in deep groundwater; example in Bangkok and Jakarta".
Science of the Total Environment, 407: 3209-3217 (2009) (65)
- Umezawa Y, T. Miyajima and I. Koike "Stable nitrogen
isotope composition in sedimentary organic matter as a potential proxy
of nitrogen sources for primary producers at a fringing coral reef." Journal
of Oceanography, 64(6); 899-909 (2008), (8)
- Tanaka Y, Miyajima T, Yamada K, Hori M, Hasegawa N, Umezawa Y, Koike I "Specific growth rate as a determinant of carbon isotopic
composition of a temperate seagrass Zostera marina." Aquatic Botany 89;
331-336 (2008) (18)
- Umezawa Y, T. Miyajima, Y. Tanaka, T. Hayashibara
and I. Koike "Variation of internal d15N and d13C distribution and their
bulk values in a brown macroalgae. Journal of Phycology, 43; 437-448 (2007) (21)
- Miyajima T, Hata T, Umezawa Y, Kayanne H, I. Koike
"Distribution and partitioning of nitrogen and phosphorus in a fringing
reef lagoon of Ishigaki Island, northwestern Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress
Series, 341: 45-57 (2007) (17)
- Sato T., T. Miyajima*, H. Ogawa, Umezawa Y, I. Koike
"Temporal variability of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition
of size-fractionated particulate organic matter in the hypertrophic Sumida
River Estuary of Tokyo Bay. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 68: 245-258
(2006) (55)
- Komatsu T., Umezawa Y, M.Nakaoka, C.Supanwanid and
Z.Kanamoto "Water flow and sediment in Enhalus acoroides and other seagrass
beds in the Andaman Sea, off Khao Bae Na, Thailand." Coastal Marine Science,
29(1): 63-68 (2004) (41)
- Yamamuro M., Umezawa Y and I. Koike "Internal variation
of nutrients and C stable isotope ratios in the leaves of the seagrass
Enhalus acoroides (L.f) Royle." Aquatic Botany, 79: 95-102 (2004) (18)
- Umezawa Y, T.Miyajima, I. Koike and H. Kayanne "Significance
of groundwater nitrogen discharge into coral reefs at Ishigaki Island,
southwest of Japan." Coral Reefs, 21:346-356 (2002) (99)
- Umezawa Y, T.Miyajima, M.Yamamuro, H. Kayanne and
I. Koike "Fine scale mapping of land-derived nitrogen in coral reefs,
by d15N values in macroalgae."Limnology and Oceanography, 47(5) 47:1405-1416
(2002) (158)
- Suzumura M., T.Miyajima, H.Hata, Umezawa Y and H.Kayanne,
I. Koike "Cycling of phosphorus maintains the production of microphytobenthic
communities in carbonate sediments of a coral reef". Limnology and Oceanography,
47:771-781 (2002) (29)
- Yamamuro M., Umezawa Y and I. Koike "Seasonality
in nutrient concentrations and stable isotope ratios of Halophila ovalis
growing on the intertidal flat of SW Thailand." Limnology, 2:199-205 (2002) (12)
- Miyajima T., M. Suzumura, Umezawa Y and I. Koike
"Microbiological nitrogen transformation in carbonate sediments of a coral-reef
lagoon and associated seagrass beds (Ishigaki Island, western subtropical
Pacific)," Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 217: 273-286 (2001) (59)

- Hayashi M, Taniguchi M, Fujii T, Umezawa Y, Onodera S "Water and TP Budgets Analysis Including Submarine Groundwater Near the Intertidal Zone." Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (2012)
- Saito M, Onodera S, Umezawa Y, Hosono T, Shimizu Y, Delinom R,
Taniguchi M "Evaluation of nitrate attenuation potential in the groundwater
of Jakarta metropolitan area, Indonesia." IAHS publication 329: 305-310 (2009),
- Umezawa Y, Onodera S, Ishitobi T, Hosono T, Delinom
R, Burnett WC, Taniguchi M. "Effect of urbanization on the groundwater
discharge into Jakarta Bay." IAHS publication 329: 233-240 (2009),
- Hosono T, Delinom R, Onodera S, Umezawa Y, Nakano T, Taniguchi
M. "Cause of groundwater contamination in Jakarta alluvium volcanic fan
deduced by sulfate and strontium isotope ratios." IAHS publication 329: 201-206 (2009),
- Hayashi M, Ishitobi T, Umezawa Y, Taniguchi M, Onodera S, Fujii T "Field observation and water budget analysis of the coast of Osaka Bay, Japan. Oceans 2008, 10.1109/OCEANSKOBE.2008.4531066 (2008)
- Hosono T., Umezawa Y, Onodera S, Wang C-H, Siringan F, Buapeng
S, Delinom R, Nakano T, and Taniguchi M. "Comparative study of water quality among Asian megacities based on major ion concentrations." Proceedings of HydroChange 2008, 295-300
- Umezawa Y, Herzfeld I, Colgrove C, Smith CM "Impact of terrestrial
nutrients through submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on macroalgal
bloom at fringing reef ecosystem" Proceedings of HydroChange 2008 619-624
- Taniguchi M., Shimada J., Fukuda Y., Onodera S., Yamano M., Yoshikoshi
A., Kaneko S., Umezawa Y, Ihitobi T., K.A.B. Jago-on "Degradation
of subsurface environmental in Asian coastal cities" Proceedings of HydroChange
2008, 605-610 (2008)
- Ishitobi T., Taniguchi M.,Umezawa Y., Kasahara S.,
Onodera S., Hayashi M., Miyaoka K., Hayashi M., & Miyake K. (2007) "Investigation
of submarine groundwater discharge using several methods in the inter-tidal
zone. IAHS publication 312:60-67, (2007),
- Umezawa Y., T. Ishitobi, S. Rungsupa, S. Onodera,
T. Yamanaka, C. Yoshimizu, I. Tayasu, T. Nagata and M. Taniguchi Y. "Evaluation of Fresh
groundwater contributions to the nutrient dynamics at shallow subtidal
areas adjacent to a mega city, Bangkok., IAHS publication 312:169-179
- Tanaka Y., T. Miyajima, Y. Umezawa, H. Fukuda, I.
Koike, H. Ogawa and T. Hayashibara "Effects of nitrate enrichment on release
of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from zooxanthellate coral, Acropora
pulchra and Porites cylindrica." Proceedings of 10th International Coral
Reef Symposium, 925-931 (2006),

- Umezawa Y., Fieldwork education to grow students in the field-, Kokon syoin groups,"
- Umezawa Y., Role of GIS working group - the progress
in 2007 and future plan, Progress Report "Human Impacts on Urban Subsurface
- Koike I. and Y. Umezawa (2005) "Nutrients dynamics
at seagrass beds in tropical and subtropical ecosystems." Monthly Kaiyo
vol.37(2) 139-147(in Japanese)
- Yamamuro M., Y. Umezawa and I.Koike (2003) "Internal
Variation of Nutrients and CN Stable Isotope Ratios in the Leaves of the
Seagrass Enhalus Acoroides (L. f.) Royle." (In) Conservation of Tropical
Seagrass Beds with Special Reference to Their Role of Function of Coastal
Ecosystem. (eds. I. Koike), 70-81
- Umezawa Y., M.Yamamuro, I.Koike and K.Lewmanomont
(2003) "The variable nitrogen sources for macrophyte at intertidal seagrass
beds during dry season, evaluated from algal species and stable isotopes"
(In) Conservation of Tropical Seagrass Beds with Special Reference to
Their Role of Function of Coastal Ecosystem. (eds. I. Koike), 97-111
- Umezawa Y.,T.Komatsu and Koike (2003) "Variable physical
causing diverse quality and quantity of suspended organic matters at adjacent
seagrass beds in a Thailand shallow estuary" (In) Conservation of Tropical
Seagrass Beds with Special Reference to Their Role of Function of Coastal
Ecosystem. (eds. I. Koike), 1-24
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima, M.Yamamuro, H.Kayanne, I.Koike
(2001) "Analysis of influential area of land-derived nitrogen in tropic
and subtropic area.-usefulness of 15N values in macroalgae-." Monthly
Kaiyo Vol.33, No.7, 472-476 (in Japanese)
- Yamamuro M.,Y. Umezawa and I.Koike (1999) "Temporal
change of nutrient contents and stable isotope ratios in Halophila ovalis
growing in the intertidal flat" (In): Effect of grazing and disturbance
by dugongs and turtles on tropical seagrass ecosystems. (eds. I. Koike),
- Koike I,. M.Nakaoka, H.Iizumi, Y. Umezawa, T.Kuramoto,
T.Komatsu, M.Yamamuro, K.Kogure, C.Supanwanid and K.Lewmanomont (1999)
"Environmental factors controlling biomass and production of seagrass
of southern Thailand" (In): Effect of grazing and disturbance by dugongs
and turtles on tropical seagrass ecosystems. (eds. I. Koike), 66-81,
- Umezawa Y., I.Koike,and K.Lewmanomont (1999) "Effects
of terrestrial input to the attached algae analyzed by stable isotope
technique." (In): Effect of grazing and disturbance by dugongs and turtles
on tropical seagrass ecosystems. (eds. I. Koike), 1-16

- Umezawa Y., The role of groundwater discharge in the aquatic ecosystem (2016) "(In) A Handbook on Fisheries Science", 676p
- Umezawa Y., Vol.4 Chapter3 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in particulate organic matter (2015) "(In) A guideline of ocean observation" The Oceanographic Society of Japan
- Umezawa Y.,"Water Quality Observation" (2014) (In) Protocol for Earth and Environmental Studies (eds. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) (in Japanese)
- Umezawa Y.,"Small rivers and surrounding areas
(2011) "(In) Asian Megacities (eds. Taniguchi M, Taniguchi T, Toyoda T) (in Japanese)
- Umezawa Y.,"Nitrogen Cycles
(2010) "(In) Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Studies (eds. Research Institute
for Humanity and Nature) (in Japanese)
- Miyajima T., Umezawa, Y. Stable isotope composition of nitrogen (d15N) as a tool for investigating nitrogen cycling in coral reef ecosystems.(2010) "(In) Earth, Life, and Isotopes (Eds. Ohkouchi, N., Tayasu, I., Koba, K.)", Kyoto Univ. Publ.
- "From Headwaters to the Ocean: Hydrological Change and Watershed Management"(2008)
(Eds) M. Taniguchi, W.C. Burnett, Y. Fukushima, M. Haigh and Y.
Umezawa, AK Leiden, The Netherlands, CRC Press/Balkema.
- Umezawa Y.,"Chapter 3: A Diversity of Ecosystem:
Groundwater pollution threating marine ecosystem (2008) "(In) Prescription for the Earth (eds. Research Institute
for Humanity and Nature) (in Japanese)
- Umezawa Y., "Chapter 3: Nitrogen Loadings, 3-1: Evaluation of Land-derived Nitrogen
Loadings to Coastal Ecosystem using Macroalgae (2008) "(In) Stable Isotopes
for Evaluation of Catchment Environments (eds. T. Nagata and T. Miyajima)
(in Japanese)
- Kohzu A, Umezawa Y., Tanaka Y "Chapter 6: Evaluation of Ecosystem, 6-1: Stable Isotopes Variations
in Primary Producers (2008) "(In) Stable Isotopes for Evaluation of Catchment
Environments (eds. T. Nagata and T. Miyajima) (in Japanese)

- Yamaguchi A, Umezawa Y*, Takeda S, Ishizaka J, Chang J "The availability of dissolved organic phosphorus in the northeast of the East China Sea" The 7th PEACE Ocean Science Workshop, Qingdao, China, Oct.. 2014
- Umezawa Y, Tamaki A, Kiyama K, Hiramatsu D, Suzuki T, Somiya R, Matsuo H, Okamura K, Yoshimizu C and Tayasu I "Food source and habitat conditions of the larvae of the ghost shrimp Nihonotrypaea harmandi, estimated based on stable isotopes analysis of bulk and amino acids" Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, USA, Feb 2014.
- Umezawa Y,Watanabe A, Miyajima T, Morimoto N, M.L. McGlone,F. Siringan, C. Feffera,G. Regino, D. Mancenido, Nadaoka K. "The nutrient sources and pathways from fish farming areas to adjacent reef in Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines, based on the biological and chemical indicators" Japan Coral Reef Society Annual Meeting, OIST, Japan, December (2013)
- Umezawa Y, Yamaguchi A, Ishizaka J, Hasegawa T, Yamawaki N, Morii Y and Yoshimura H "Seasonal shift of the contribution of Changjiang River and Kuroshio water to nutrient dynamics at continental shelf of East China Sea" Ocean Science Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Feb 2012.
- Umezawa Y, "Impact of Isahaya dike construction on physical environments and ecosystems in Ariake Bay, Kyusyu, Japan." International Workshop on Coastal Observations and Sediment Transport in Coastal Zones, National Central University, Taiwan, June 2011
- Umezawa Y "Introduction of the coastal areas & the studies on nutrient dynamics around Nagasaki, International Symposium on the Sustainability and Productivity of Coastal Resources", Nagasaki, January (2011)
- Umezawa Y,Nakada S, Taniguchi M, Kagabu M, Asai K, Greg Wolff, Gunter Koepke,Yamano H. "Estimation of groundwater age at atoll islands" Japan Coral Reef Society Annual Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, December (2010)
- Umezawa Y., Onodera S, Shimizu Y, Shiokawa M, Yamaguchi
A, Yasumoto J, Hayashi M, Ushihara Y "Effects of Urbanization on the Groundwater
Discharge into a Semi-closed Bay: Osaka Bay, Japan, Based on 222Rn measurements"
3rd Ra-Rn meeting, Jerusalem, Israel (2010)
- Umezawa Y., Shiokawa M, Yamaguchi A, Onodera S, Shimizu
Y, Yasumoto J, Hayashi M, Ushihara Y "Evaluation of submarine groundwater
discharge into Osaka Bay based on 222Rn measurement" Japan Oceanography
Society, Shinagawa, Japan (2010)
- Umezawa Y., Onodera S, Ishitobi T, Hososno T, Delinom
R, Burnett WC, and Taniguchi M "Effect of urbanization on the groundwater
discharge into Jakarta Bay" 8th IAHS scientific assembly and 37th IAH
congress, Hyderabad, India (2009)
- Umezawa Y., Hosono T, Onodera S, Siringan F, Buapeng
S, Delinom R, Yoshimizu C, Tayasu I, and Nagata T. and M. Taniguchi. "
Sources of nitrate contaminations in groundwater under developing Asian-Mega cities."
AGU fall meeting, CA, USA (2008)
- Umezawa Y.Onodera S., Shimizu Y. "Evaluation of groundwater flux
into the estuary using 222Rn" The J. Society of Limnology, Sapporo, (2008)
- Umezawa Y, Herzfeld I, Colgrove C, Smith CM "Impact of terrestrial
nutrients through submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on macroalgal
bloom at fringing reef ecosystem"HydroChange 2008, October, 2008
- Umezawa Y, Onodera S, Hosono T, Nakano T, Taniguchi M "Relationships
between Rn-222 concentrations in groundwater and geological settings in
Western Japan" AOGS, Busan, Korea, (2008)
- Umezawa Y, Hosono T, Taniguchi M, Onodera S "Carbon and nitrogen
characteristics of sedimentary organic matter as indicators of historical
trophic state in Osaka Bay and Jakarta Bay" AOGS, Busan, Korea, (2008)
- Umezawa Y, T. Miyajima, Y. Tanaka, H. Ohba, T. Hayashibara, Yoshimizu
C, Tayasu I, Nagata T "Isotopic discrimination associated with nitrate
uptakes by macroalgae" Proceedings of The Oceanographic Society of Japan
Spring Symposium, Tokyo (2008)
- Umezawa Y., Ishitobi T, Rungsupa S, Onodera S, Yamanaka T, Yoshimizu
C, Tayasu I, Nagata T, and Taniguchi T "Groundwater contributions to the
nutrient dynamics at shallow inter- and sub- tidal areas adjacent to a
mega city, Bangkok. " International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia,
Italy (2007)
- Umezawa Y. et al. "The history and fate of nitrate contamination
in groundwater at developing Asian-Mega cities, estimated by nitrate 15N
and 18O values" Japan Geological Union, Makuhari (2007)
- Umezawa Y. et al. "Evaluation of fresh groundwater contributions
to the nutrient dynamics at shallow subtidal areas adjacent to metro-Bangkok"
Japan Geological Union, Makuhari (2007)
- Umezawa Y., T. Miyajima, Y. Tanaka, I. Koike, H.
Ohba, and T. Hayashibara "Seasonal and spatial variations of nitrogen
sources for macroalgae and its controlling factors assessed by 15N and
other chemical components in algal thalli at fringing coral reefs" 10th
ICRS, Okinawa, Japan (2004)
- Umezawa Y., T.Komatsu, M.Yamamuro and I. Koike "Various
physical forcing controlling chemical compositions of suspended matters
in water column of seagrass beds in a Thailand estuary "ASLO meeting,
Hawaii, USA (2004)
- Umezawa Y., Y.Tanaka, T.Miyajima, T.Hayashibara,
H.Ohba and I.Koike "Seasonal and spatial distribution of 15N in Padina
spp. and its controlling factors" Japan Coral Reef Society, (in Japanese)
(2003) Session Convener
- Umezawa Y., H.Hata, Y. Fujikawa, T.Miyajima, H.Kayanne
and I. Koike "Nitrogen cycle at water-column and sediment in the barrier
reef lagoon of Palau Island", Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint
Meeting, Tokyo (in Japanese) (2001)
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima and I.Koike "Analysis of influential
area of land-derived nitrogen at coral reefs by 15N values in macroalgae",
Symposium, Nitrogen Cycles in Ocean-Perspective of Oceanography at 21th
century-, ORI, The Univ. of Tokyo. (in Japanese) (2000)
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima, M.Yamamuro, H.Kayanne and
I.Koike, "Terrestrial Nitrogen Impact to Coral Reefs Evaluated by Stable
Nitrogen Isotope of Macroalgae" 9th International Coral Reef Symposium,
Bali, Abstract, p110. (2000)
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima, M.Yamamuro, H.Kayanne and
I.Koike, "Analysis of influential area of land-derived nitrogen at coral
reefs.-Usefulness of 15N values and CN ratios in macroalgae-", Proceedings
of The Oceanographic Society of Japan Autumn Symposium, p176, Kyusyu Univ.
(in Japanese) (2000)
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima, I.Koike, H.Yamano and H.Kayanne
"Estimation of terrestrial nutrient inputs through groundwater to two
coral reefs where different type watershed lie at Ishigaki Is., southwest
of Japan", Proceedings of Japan Coral Reef Society 2nd Symposium, p41,
Ryukyu Univ. (in Japanese) (1999)
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima, I. Koike, H. Yamano and H.Kayanne
"Estimation of terrestrial nutrient inputs through groundwater to coral
reef" Proceedings of The Oceanographic Society of Japan Autumn Symposium,
p118, Kyoto Univ. (in Japanese) (1998)
- Umezawa Y., T.Miyajima and I. Koike "Nutrient inputs
through groundwater to coral reefs," ORI Symposium (The Change of Costal
Environment and Ecosystem), ORI, The Univ. of Tokyo. (in Japanese) (1998)
Copyright Dr. Yu UMEZAWA.
All rights reserved. Last update Aug., 2019