- Mar 1998 : Bachelor of Science, Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Mar 2000 : Master of Science, Department of Geography, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Mar 2004 : Doctor of Science, Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

- Apr 2000 - Mar 2002 : Research Assistant, Marine Biogeochemistry Laboratory, Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Apr 2002 - Mar 2003 : Teaching Assistant, Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Apr 2003 - Mar 2005 : Research Fellow of the Japan Society of the Promotion of Science, at Marine Biogeochemistry Laboratory, Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Mar 2005 - May 2006 : Research Fellow of the Japan Society of the Promotion of Science, at Department of Botany, University of Hawaii,
- Jun 2006 - Jan 2008 : Senior Researcher, Urban
Subsurface Project, Research
Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan.
- Feb 2008 - Mar 2012 : Assistant Professor, Faculty
of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, Japan.
Nov 2008 - Feb 2009: Visiting Researcher, University of California, SantaCruz, A.Paytan Lab.)
Jan 2012 - Mar 2012: Visiting Researcher, National Taiwan Ocean University, IMECE, J.Chang Lab.)
- Apr 2012 - Aug 2017 : Associate Professor, Faculty
of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, Japan.
- Sept 2017 - present : Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science on Biosphere, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan.

"C" means the grant as a co-researcher
- 2000 : Scholarship from Japan Student Services Organization
- 2003 : Presentation Award at 6th Japan Coral Reef Society
- 2003-2005 : JSPS
(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Research Fellowships
for Young Scientists
- 2006 : The Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from The
Japan Science Society
- 2007 : JSPS
Research funds for the tenure track position
- 2008 : Nagasaki University special grant for the study at foreign
- 2009 : Reserch grant from "The association for the Environmental
Conservation of the Seto Inland Sea"
- 2008-2010(c) : Global Environment Research Fund from Ministry of the
Environment "Adaptive management for water resources at atoll islands
in Pacific Ocean"
- 2009-2010(c) : Grant-in-Aid (A) for challenging Exploratory Research
from JSPS "Investigation of anti-biotic reaction related to biogeochemistry
of inorganic nitrogen"
- 2009-2011(c) : Grant-in-Aid (B) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Effects
of hypoxia in semi-closed bay on marine ecosystem"
- 2010-2014(c) : JST-JICA "Coastal Ecosytem Conservation and Adaptive Management under Local and Global Environmental Impacts in the Philippines"
- 2010-2011 : Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists from JSPS "Clarification
of SGD effects on fisheries resources based on stable & radio isotopes
- 2010-2013(c) : Grant-in-Aid (A) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Trial
experiments on ecological remediation of hypoxia in semi-closed bay, Omura
- 2010-2012(c) : Grant-in-Aid (C) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Investigation
of microbial communities causing hypoxia following to Chattonella antiqua
red tide"
- 2010-2012(c) : Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Environment Fund "Estimation of the
impacts of Asian dust on primary production"
- 2010 : Nagasaki Univ. Grant for Young Scientists "Evaluation of the effects of the opening of the isahaya Bay dike on the surrounding marine environments"
- 2010 : "Kawaguchi Award" Japan Coral Reef Society
- 2011-2014(c) : Global Environment Research Fund from Ministry of the
Environment "Research on the benthic comunities at intertidal flat and their ecological functions for the cooperative conservation activity in Amakusa and Shimabara areas"
- 2011 : "The JOS Environmental Science Prize" The Oceanographic Society of Japan
- 2011-2020(c) : National Key Project in Ocean Science Division "The Study of Kuroshio Ecosystem Dynamics for Sustainable Fisheries"
- 2012-2015(c) : Grant-in-Aid (B) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Impact of marine biogenic aerosols on the clouds over East China Sea"
- 2012-2013 : Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists from JSPS "Feeding and migratory behaviors of coastal fishes clarified based on stable isotopes in nutrients and amino acids"
- 2013-2015(c) : Grant-in-Aid (B) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Evaluation of ecological functions of sulfer oxidizing bacteria at hypoxic waters in inner bay, as carbon sink and depressor effect for blue tide"
- 2013-2014:JSPS Core to Core Program "Environment conservation and development of fishery resources at Lake Victoria"
- 2013-2018:MEXT Special Budget "Cooperative Monigoring Project at Ariake Sea (COMPAS)"
- 2014: "Hayami Article Award" The Oceanographic Society of Japan
- 2014-2016(c) : Grant-in-Aid (A) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Physical-Chemical-Biological processes controlling primary production and nutrient dynamics on the continental shelf of East China Sea"
- 2018-2022(c) : Grant-in-Aid (A) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Unified understanding of carbon cycle in shallow water by coupling food web structure and CO2 gas exchange"
- 2018-2020(c) : Grant-in-Aid (B) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Fluctuating mechanisms in geochemical cycles in the Ariake Sea and research on environmental recovery measures"
- 2019-2021 : Grant-in-Aid (C) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Environmental factors controlling accumulation of refractory components of macrophyte contributing to an increase of carbon sequestration to the ocean"
- 2021-2024 : International research Grant (B) for Scientific Research from JSPS "Model & scenario analyses of the response of coastal ecosystems to industrial structural changes in the Republic of Palau"

- Geochemistry (Junior, Undergrad) (Best teacher award in 2009, 2015)
- Biogeochemistry (Graduate)
- Water quality and Environment (Sophomore, Undergrad)
- English for Environmental Science (Junior, Undergrad)
- Field & Lab Experiment Course (Junior, Undergrad)
- Special Lecture for License of Field Science (Graduate)
- Natural History of East China Sea I (Graduate)
- General Education (Freshmen, Undergrad)
- Biology Special Lecture (Dept. of Biology, Ehime University)

- 2008-present: Member of the Committee on Marine Environmental Issues
(The Oceanographic Society of Japan)
- 2000-present: Member of the Committee on Public Information (Japanese
Coral Reef Society)
- 2004-present: Member of the Committee on Safe Research (Japanese
Coral Reef Society)
- 2009-2013: Councilor (Japanese Coral Reef Society)
- 2009-2011: Member of the Committee on Oxygent-Deficient Water task team (Nagasaki prefecture)
- 2010-present: Working Group to plan the surveys for the opening of the isahaya Bay dike
- 2013-present: Member of the Committee on the Management of Research Vessels (The Tokyo Univ.)
- 2013-present: Specially-appointed associate professor at Saga University
- 2014-present: Member of the Committee on the Task of Coastal Management & Research (The Oceanographic Society of Japan)
Copyright Dr. Yu UMEZAWA. All rights reserved. Last update Oct., 2021