長崎大学 水産学部 物質循環研究室
Marine Biogeochemistry Lab., Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University


*Lab members

shiokawa image 塩川 麻保
(株)バイオテック (退職)
Kiyama image 木山 孔司
東京大学大気海洋研究所生元素動態分野修士課程 「卒論の内容が2014 Ocean Science Meetingで発表されました」
toyoshima image 豊嶋 香苗
muta image 牟田 直樹
ト 勤務地:広島
Sakai image 酒井 明
Hiramatsu image 平松 大介
九州大学大学院生物資源環境科学府修士課程 「卒論の内容が2014 Ocean Science Meetingで発表されました」
Shimatsuka image 島塚 桃子
(卒論)-大村湾に生息するアオナマコの 摂餌選択性と同化効率の検証実験-
東京大学理学系大学院地球惑星科学専攻修士課程 -Graduate Thesis- Feeding selectivity and absorption efficiency of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, inhabiting at Omura Bay-
yamaguchi image 山口 聖
佐賀県有明水産振興センター -Phosphorus Fluxes Mediated by Microorganisms and Environmental Factors of the East China Sea and Surrounding Coastal Areas-
Kiyama image 後藤 洋加
日本港湾コンサルタント -Graduate Thesis-Diet of finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides, in western Kyushu, Japan, based on stable isotope approach
-Master Thesis- Feeding ecology of finless porpoise, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis, in Ariake Bay and Omura Bay, analyzed combining stable isotopes in bulk and amino acid samples.
Ichikawa image 市川 好貴
日本エヌ・ユー・エス(株) -Graduate Thesis--The contribution of anoxic bacteria to the food chain in the Omura Bay --
Terado image 寺戸 稔貴
島根県(水産職) -Graduate Thesis- Feeding and migration behaviors of Sardinops melanosticus in Northwestern Pacific---
Ozaki image 尾崎 健史
(卒論)-夏季の有明海における 栄養塩と懸濁・溶存態有機物の動態----2013年度ベストプレゼンテーション賞---
佐賀県庁 -Graduate Thesis-Dynamics of nutrients, dissoloved and particulate organic matter at Ariake Bay during summer-
-Master Thesis- Seasonal dynamics of nutrients, dissoloved and particulate organic matter, and contribution to remineralized nutrients at Ariake Bay.
Suizu image 水津 明穂
東京大学理学系大学院地球惑星科学専攻修士課程 -Graduate Thesis-Production of DMSP and DMS from two species of diatom under different environmental conditions-
Matsuo image 松尾 友里香
長崎市役所 -Graduate Thesis-Feeding and migration behaviors of the Pacific stock of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus-
Fei image Fei Cuixia
Fei Cuixia
--Zhejiang Ocean University--
yamagishi image 山岸 龍ノ介
ニチレイ・ロジスティクス -Graduate Thesis- Dynamics of dissolved and particulate organic nitrogen and phosphorus in the eastern East China Sea during summer --
-Master Thesis- Spatio-temporal variation of C and N isotopes of particulate organic matter in the Western North Pacific -
Shimomae image 下前敦
Atsushi Shimomae
-Graduate Thesis- ---
Hashimoto image 橋本涼介
Ryosuke Hashimoto
-Graduate Thesis- ---
Furuoka image 古岡鳳夏
Fuka Furuoka
-Graduate Thesis- ---
Yuan image Yuan Jinghan
Yuan Jinghan
(Exchanging Foreign Student)
--Dalian Ocean University--
Nozaki image 野崎 龍
Ryu Nozaki
(Graduate Student)
-Graduate Thesis- Nitrate dynamics at East China Sea based on stable isotope analyses in NO3
-Current Theme-
Mwaura image Jelvas Mwaura
Jelvas Mwaura
(Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute, Mombasa)
-Doctoral Thesis-- -Effects of Anthropogenic Stressors on Coral Reef Communities and Their Implications on the Management of Marine Protected Areas in Kenya -
Copyright Dr. Yu Umezawa. All rights reserved. Last update Sept., 2017